StringUtils (UtilityClass)
The StringUtils holds the utility methods for string observation,
manipulation, conversion etc. This class is inspired by the StringUtils
class in the Apache Commons Lang package. Provides None
safe methods
to perform operations on str
Source code in lang/
class StringUtils(UtilityClass):
The StringUtils holds the utility methods for string observation,
manipulation, conversion etc. This class is inspired by the `StringUtils`
class in the Apache Commons Lang package. Provides `None` safe methods
to perform operations on `str` object
EMPTY: str = ""
def abbreviate(
char_sequence: Optional[str],
abbrev_marker: Optional[str] = "...",
offset: int = 0,
max_width: int = -1,
) -> Optional[str]:
if cls.is_not_empty(char_sequence) and cls.EMPTY == abbrev_marker and max_width > 0:
return typing.cast(str, char_sequence)[:max_width]
if cls.is_any_empty(char_sequence, abbrev_marker):
return char_sequence
char_sequence = typing.cast(str, abbrev_marker)
abbrev_marker = typing.cast(str, abbrev_marker)
abbrev_marker_length = len(abbrev_marker)
min_abbrev_width = abbrev_marker_length + 1
min_abbrev_width_offset = abbrev_marker_length + abbrev_marker_length + 1
if max_width == -1:
max_width = len(char_sequence) - abbrev_marker_length
if max_width < min_abbrev_width:
raise ValueError(f"Minimum abbreviation width is {min_abbrev_width}")
str_len = len(char_sequence)
if str_len <= max_width:
return char_sequence
offset = min(offset, str_len)
if str_len - offset < max_width - abbrev_marker_length:
offset = str_len - (max_width - abbrev_marker_length)
if offset <= abbrev_marker_length + 1:
return char_sequence[: max_width - abbrev_marker_length] + abbrev_marker
if max_width < min_abbrev_width_offset:
raise ValueError(f"Minimum abbreviation width with offset is {min_abbrev_width_offset}")
return char_sequence[offset : offset + max_width - abbrev_marker_length] + abbrev_marker
def abbreviate_middle(
cls, char_sequence: Optional[str], middle: Optional[str] = "...", length: int = 5
) -> Optional[str]:
if (
not cls.is_any_empty(char_sequence, middle)
and len(typing.cast(str, char_sequence)) > length >= len(typing.cast(str, middle)) + 2
middle = typing.cast(str, middle)
char_sequence = typing.cast(str, char_sequence)
target_string = length - len(middle)
start_offset = target_string // 2 + target_string % 2
end_offset = len(char_sequence) - target_string // 2
return char_sequence[:start_offset] + middle + char_sequence[end_offset:]
return char_sequence
def contains(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str], search_string: Optional[str]) -> bool:
if char_sequence is not None and search_string is not None:
search_length: int = len(search_string)
max_iterations: int = len(char_sequence) - search_length
for i in range(0, max_iterations + 1):
if cls.region_matches(char_sequence, False, i, search_string, 0, search_length):
return True
return False
def contains_any(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str], *search_strings: str) -> bool:
if char_sequence is not None and ArrayUtils.is_not_empty(search_strings):
for search_string in search_strings:
if cls.contains(char_sequence, search_string):
return True
return False
def contains_ignore_case(
cls, char_sequence: Optional[str], search_string: Optional[str]
) -> bool:
if char_sequence is not None and search_string is not None:
search_length: int = len(search_string)
max_iterations: int = len(char_sequence) - search_length
for i in range(0, max_iterations + 1):
if cls.region_matches(char_sequence, True, i, search_string, 0, search_length):
return True
return False
def get_first_non_blank(cls, *args: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
if ArrayUtils.is_empty(args):
return None
for char_sequence in args:
if not cls.is_blank(char_sequence):
return char_sequence
return None
def get_first_non_empty(cls, *args: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
if ArrayUtils.is_empty(args):
return None
for char_sequence in args:
if not cls.is_empty(char_sequence):
return char_sequence
return None
def get_bytes(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str], encoding: str = "utf-8") -> Optional[bytes]:
if char_sequence is None:
return None
return char_sequence.encode(encoding)
def get_digits(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> str:
if cls.is_empty(char_sequence):
return cls.EMPTY
digits: List[str] = []
for c in typing.cast(str, char_sequence):
if CharUtils.is_digit(c):
return cls.EMPTY.join(digits)
def get_if_blank(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str], default_supplier: Supplier[str]) -> str:
if cls.is_not_blank(char_sequence):
return typing.cast(str, char_sequence)
return default_supplier.get()
def get_if_empty(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str], default_supplier: Supplier[str]) -> str:
if cls.is_not_empty(char_sequence):
return typing.cast(str, char_sequence)
return default_supplier.get()
def is_all_lower_case(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> bool:
if char_sequence is None:
return False
for char in char_sequence:
if not CharUtils.is_lowercase(char):
return False
return True
def is_all_upper_case(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> bool:
if char_sequence is None:
return False
for char in char_sequence:
if not CharUtils.is_uppercase(char):
return False
return True
def is_alpha(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> bool:
if char_sequence is None:
return False
for char in char_sequence:
if not CharUtils.is_letter(char):
return False
return True
def is_alphanumeric(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> bool:
if char_sequence is None:
return False
for char in char_sequence:
if not CharUtils.is_letter_or_digit(char):
return False
return True
def is_alphanumeric_space(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> bool:
if char_sequence is None:
return False
for char in char_sequence:
if not CharUtils.is_letter_or_digit(char) and CharUtils.is_equal(
char, str(CharUtils.ASCII_SPACE)
return False
return True
def is_alpha_space(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> bool:
if char_sequence is None:
return False
for char in char_sequence:
if not CharUtils.is_letter(char) and CharUtils.is_equal(
char, str(CharUtils.ASCII_SPACE)
return False
return True
def is_any_blank(cls, *args: Optional[str]) -> bool:
if ArrayUtils.is_empty(args):
return False
for char_sequence in args:
if cls.is_blank(char_sequence):
return True
return False
def is_any_empty(cls, *args: Optional[str]) -> bool:
if ArrayUtils.is_empty(args):
return False
for char_sequence in args:
if cls.is_empty(char_sequence):
return True
return False
def is_ascii_printable(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> bool:
if char_sequence is None:
return False
for c in char_sequence:
if not CharUtils.is_ascii_printable(cls.to_character(c)):
return False
return True
def is_blank(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> bool:
length: int = cls.length(char_sequence)
if 0 == length:
return True
for char in typing.cast(str, char_sequence):
if not CharUtils.is_whitespace(cls.to_character(char)):
return False
return True
def is_empty(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> bool:
return char_sequence is None or len(char_sequence) == 0
def is_not_blank(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> bool:
return not cls.is_blank(char_sequence)
def is_not_empty(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> bool:
return not cls.is_empty(char_sequence)
def length(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str]) -> int:
return 0 if char_sequence is None else len(char_sequence)
def region_matches(
char_sequence: str,
ignore_case: bool,
this_start: int,
sub_string: str,
start: int,
length: int,
) -> bool:
index1 = this_start
index2 = start
tmp_length = length
src_length = len(char_sequence) - this_start
other_length = len(sub_string) - start
if this_start >= 0 and start >= 0 and length >= 0:
if src_length >= length and other_length >= length:
while tmp_length > 0:
c1 = char_sequence[index1]
c2 = sub_string[index2]
index1 += 1
index2 += 1
if c1 != c2:
if not ignore_case:
return False
u1 = CharUtils.to_uppercase(c1)
u2 = CharUtils.to_uppercase(c2)
if u1 != u2 and CharUtils.to_lowercase(u1) != CharUtils.to_lowercase(u2):
return False
tmp_length -= 1
return True
return False
return False
def to_character(cls, c: Optional[str]) -> Optional[Char]:
`None` safe conversion of a character to `pycommons.base.Character
if cls.is_empty(c):
return None
return CharUtils.to_character(typing.cast(str, c)[0])
def default_string(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str], default_string: str = EMPTY) -> str:
Returns the default string if the passed string is `None`.
char_sequence: The string
default_string: Default string to be returned when `char_sequence` is None
The `char_sequence` if it's not None, else the default string
return char_sequence if char_sequence is not None else default_string
default_string(char_sequence, default_string='')
Returns the default string if the passed string is None
Name | Type | Description | Default |
char_sequence |
Optional[str] |
The string |
required |
default_string |
str |
Default string to be returned when |
'' |
Type | Description |
str |
The |
Source code in lang/
def default_string(cls, char_sequence: Optional[str], default_string: str = EMPTY) -> str:
Returns the default string if the passed string is `None`.
char_sequence: The string
default_string: Default string to be returned when `char_sequence` is None
The `char_sequence` if it's not None, else the default string
return char_sequence if char_sequence is not None else default_string
safe conversion of a character to `pycommons.base.Character
Name | Type | Description | Default |
c |
Optional[str] |
required |
Source code in lang/
def to_character(cls, c: Optional[str]) -> Optional[Char]:
`None` safe conversion of a character to `pycommons.base.Character
if cls.is_empty(c):
return None
return CharUtils.to_character(typing.cast(str, c)[0])